Here you find tips and advices on how to organise your profile on CoachDb in a targeted and effective way so that potential clients and customers can find you easily.
We will be happy to help you with the editing process or take a look at your profile to identify any need for optimisation. Please feel free to send us a message.
You can edit your profile including all details in CoachDb CoachAdmin. Simply log in at with your e-mail address and your personal password.
The editing instructions provided here follow the chronological order of the left-hand side menu in CoachAdmin and mainly refer to the text fields. Please note that the text fields do not allow formatting due to the database structure. It is therefore better to e.g. avoid bullet points before bulleted lists.
Under General and Contact you can find your user data. If you have more than one profile (e.g. various locations, an additional trainer profile), the changes you make here will affect all profiles that are maintained in CoachAdmin.
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