Membership for training providers

We attach great importance to quality and only accept qualified providers into our portal. Each provider is individually checked before being accepted and must fulfil our admission criteria.  Become part of this network and benefit from our reach and many years of experience.

On this page you will find all the admission criteria, conditions and membership rates at a glance. - Pressmaster - Pressmaster

Our quality standards & admission criteria

Only qualified training providers are accepted into the CoachDb. To become a member, you must meet the following admission criteria:

  • Examination and approval of the content of your training and further education programmes according to our definfition of coaching.
  • Non-affiliation to cults
  • Rejection of esoteric practices (e.g. astrology, divination, clairvoyance, occultism, etc.)
  • Acceptance of our privacy policy and terms and conditions.

Membership rates for training providers

Find a detailed description of our services for members here.

Business Plus

  • Institute profile (contains all functions relevant for the search)
  • Upload of documents to profile
  • Publication of events and dates
  • Appointment booking, video call, payment via Meetfox (discount for members)
  • 15% discount on advertisement in the Coaching-Magazin print or digital (min. 28.50 EUR advantage per advertisement)

One-time Set-up fee: 60 EUR
Monthly fee: 30 EUR


  • Institute profile (contains all functions relevant for the search)
  • Upload of documents to profile
  • Publication of events and dates
  • Appointment booking, video call, payment via Meetfox (discount for members)
  • 15% discount on advertisement in the Coaching-Magazin print or digital (min. 28.50 EUR advantage per advertisement)
  • Access to search requests
  • Free subscription of Coaching-Magazin digital (approx. 67 EUR advantage / year) - available in German

One-time Set-up fee: 60 EUR
Monthly fee: 40 EUR


  • Institute profile (contains all functions relevant for the search)
  • Upload of documents to profile
  • Publication of events and dates
  • Appointment booking, video call, payment via Meetfox (discount for members)
  • 15% discount on advertisement in the Coaching-Magazin print or digital (min. 28.50 EUR advantage per advertisement)
  • E-Mail when new search request  is placed
  • Free subscription of Coaching-Magazin digital (approx. 67 EUR advantage / year) - available in German
  • Up to 4 adverts (1/8 page, b/w) per year in the coaching magazine under the heading "Training and further education" free of charge (up to 760 EUR advantage / year)
  • 15 % discount on online banners in the coaching magazine
  • Top ranking of your profile in the search results in the standard sorting "RAUEN presents"

No set-up fee
Monthly fee: 55 EUR

All prices plus statutory VAT (currently 19% in Germany).

Further information

Registration and admission process

The rate overview shows you which service and performance features the different plans offer. Decide which offer is right for you and click on “Book ... rate". You will be redirected to the registration form, which we ask you to complete in full and submit.

Our team will check your data once it has been received. Your profile will then be activated and you will receive an e-mail from us with your login details and all necessary information and instructions for creating your coach profile.

Please understand that only coaches who meet our admission criteria will be accepted.

Invoicing & notice period

The annual membership fee is invoiced in advance in the first quarter of each calendar year. Membership runs until the end of each calendar year and is automatically renewed unless it is terminated with three months' notice to the end of a calender year (by September 30). Notice of termination can be given by e-mail.

Rate change

Upgrade to a higher rate: If you would like to switch to a profile with a wider range of features, please contact us. Such an upgrade is possible at any time.

Downgrade to a lower rate: If you would like to switch to a profile with a more limited scope of services, please contact us. A downgrade is possible with a notice period of three months to the end of a calendar year ( by September 30).

You have questions or need more information?

Jennifer Schawe

Head of CoachDb

+49 541 98256-777

Monday – Thursday
09:00 am – 03:00 pm


We are at your service.

Jennifer Schawe

Head of CoachDb

T  +49 541 98256-777

Monday – Friday
09:00 am – 03:00 pm

Find the perfect coach to meet your needs among our qualified professionals.

Our coaches undergo a thorough screening process to ensure quality.

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