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Coaching trainings for anyone who wants to learn coaching or become a coach

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Our training search offers a number of pros. Find out more...

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You can submit a free and anonymous search request for suitable training programmes. Your enquiry will be forwarded to selected, verified training providers at CoachDb, who will send you specific offers. You can take your time to compare the offers received, make your choice and then contact the provider directly. Until then, your enquiry will remain anonymous.

The pros of our training database

Our training database for coaching trainings and continuing education programmes only lists providers that meet our criteria. You can be sure that you will exclusively find providers that offer reputable and high-quality training programmes.

More than 200 offers

In our database you will find over 200 offers for further education, training courses, seminars and information events taking place in the future.

Always up to dateÜbersichtlich

You will only find events that will take place in the future. You can therefore be sure that our training database always contains up-to-date information.

Clear and concise

The standardised presentation of the event content enables you to get a quick overview and compare offers directly.

Tips to find your coaching education

On CoachDb you find a high-quality selection of coaching training and further education programmes. But how do you choose the right programme for you? Here you find helpful tips on the selection process.

The search and selection process

Participating in a professional coaching education means an investment of several thousand euros. Therefore, as little as possible should be left to chance when choosing the right offer. Sufficient time should be planned for the selection process so that the offers can be compared with each other.

In principle, it is not possible to give a general recommendation for a specific coaching education. The quality of a training depends on various factors and must be seen in the context of a participant's prior knowledge as well as his or her individual skills, preferences and goals. For example: A coaching training that is very helpful for business economists may be less interesting for psychologists (and vice versa). There cannot be "the" best coaching education. However, our database can provide an overview that helps you making a decision.

  • Compare several offers
    It is not advisable to book the first available training or education just because it is nearby or inexpensive. Take your time to compare multiple offerings and providers. It is only when comparing different programs that the differences become clear.
  • Ask your colleagues and acquaintances
    Acquaintances, friends, colleagues, etc. often provide reliable guidance based on their experience and recommendations.
  • Conduct preliminary talks
    The content of the coaching education can be explained in a preliminary interview, which should usually be free of charge. In addition, it makes sense to request written concepts and offers and to compare them.
  • Ask about qualifications
    It is advisable to find out about the qualifications of the providers in advance. The purpose of checking is to find out which trainings and further educations qualify them to teach others.
  • Check the focuses of the training programmes
    Different coaching educations have different focuses. These should match the intentions and backgrounds of the participants or at least complement them. Detailed descriptions of the contents and methods as well as the providers' background help to select the most suitable coaching education for you. Good coaching institutes also point out other educational providers if their program is not suitable for a specific concern.
  • Critical questioning
    General claims and empty phrases (e.g. "improvement of communication skills", "development of social skills", "professional handling of problems") are dubious. On the other hand, facts, e.g. how long the institute has existed, which references can be given, whether there are own publications (books, articles, etc.), provide reliable information about the potential of the education provider.
  • Calculate additional costs
    In addition to the costs of the coaching education, additional costs (e.g. for travel, accommodation, food, material costs, etc.) and, if applicable, sales tax must also be taken into account.
  • Calculate the expenditure of time
    Attention must be paid to the entire duration of the education. It is advisable to obtain written confirmation of this. Incorrect planning causes expensive downtime and additional costs.
  • No replacement for therapy
    Coaching education is not a training course in psychotherapy. Serious psychological problems, addictions or disorders are not the field of a coach, but require medical and/or psychotherapeutic treatment. Accordingly, the focus of coaching educations should always be within the professional context.
  • Avoid blenders and barkers
    The methods of a coaching education should be presented in an easily understandable manner. Serious educational providers for Business Coaching - same goes for professional coaches - work transparently and do not manipulate the participants. Providers who advertise their seminars and courses with exuberant enthusiasm should be viewed with skepticism. Serious providers seldomly show "screeching" behavior or boast superlatives.
  • Trust your instincts
    In order to get to know the educators, it is helpful to book a trial seminar. A training should only be carried out if there is a positive basic attitude between the educator and the participant. Pay attention to the overall appearance and expression of the trainer. Your intuition and gut feeling are important sensors when weighing down whether an educator is the right one for you.
  • Dubious crash courses
    Crash courses attempt to convey coaching knowledge quickly and compact. In individual cases this may be possible and useful. Nevertheless, in the context of coaching education, it is rather unusual to spend several weeks in a row in a larger group. Such an approach does not provide the opportunity to try out what you have learned in your own practice-relevant environment.


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Jennifer Schawe

Head of CoachDb

T  +49 541 98256-777

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09:00 am – 03:00 pm

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