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More than 1,000 coaches in our coach database

Use the filters for your individual requirements and have suitable coaches suggested to you instantly. You can contact your favourite coach directly using the contact form or the links in the coach profiles.

Find out more about the advantages of our coach database...

You have not found a suitable offer? Use our following free services:

Submit a search request

To search for suitable coaching providers, you can submit a search request anonymously and free of charge. Your coaching enquiry will be forwarded to selected, verified coaches on CoachDb, who will send you specific offers. You can take your time to compare the incoming offers, make your choice and then contact your favourite coach directly. Up to then, your enquiry will remain anonymous.

Coach referral service

We will be pleased to help you find a qualified business coach. Our experienced team uses consistent quality checks to ensure that every single coach has a professional coaching portfolio. Trust our expertise and receive recommendations from us that precisely match your requirements.

Pros of the coach database on CoachDb

Our coach database offers an independent platform that enables you to find a coach you can trust. We prioritise quality and carefully check the qualification of every single coach on our platform. With a focus on business coaching, we offer a free search with no commission. You can make price and meeting arrangements directly with your preferred coach. 

Experience and quality

CoachDb is a division of RAUEN Group and has been successfully established on the market as a renowned coaching database since 2001. We check the qualifications of all listed coaches. This ensures that you will only find competent and reputable coaching providers on CoachDb.

More than 1.000 Coaches

Our coach database offers a wide range of coaches from different backgrounds and specialisations. This allows you to choose a coach who best suits your needs, goals and personality traits.

Transparent search results

Important features of the suggested providers are already presented to you in the search result. This allows you to decide which providers you would like to take a closer look at.

Coaches direkt vergleichen

The clear structure of the coach profiles allows you to quickly view and compare the features that are important to you. 


We are at your service.

Jennifer Schawe

Head of CoachDb

T  +49 541 98256-777

Monday – Friday
09:00 am – 03:00 pm

Find the perfect coach to meet your needs among our qualified professionals.

Our coaches undergo a thorough screening process to ensure quality.

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