Olaf Hinz

Olaf Hinz

I am coaching experienced leaders, leadership teams as well as project managers and their teams who want to be effective beyond tools and checklists.

As a self-confessed Hanseatic, I guide my clients and their organisations through uncharted and troubled waters and support them in fulfilling their tasks with nautical composure.

Before becoming self-employed, I worked, as the office manager of Peer Steinbrück, then Minister of Economics ...

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Simon, Weber and Friends GmbH
communication types
presence, by phone / over the phone, video, chat
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Hinz. wirkt!
Poststraße 33
20354 Hamburg

040 35085889
0171 6845170
Olaf Hinz


Erschienen im Coaching-Magazin

Wirksames Business-Coaching ist nicht kontextblind

Eine Replik auf den Beitrag "Relationales Coaching" von Sonja Radatz.

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Da kommt etwas unter der Wasserlinie angefahren und ist zunächst unsichtbar. Irgendwann taucht es auf – unvermittelt steht...

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self description

I am coaching experienced leaders, leadership teams as well as project managers and their teams who want to be effective beyond tools and checklists.

As a self-confessed Hanseatic, I guide my clients and their organisations through uncharted and troubled waters and support them in fulfilling their tasks with nautical composure.

Before becoming self-employed, I worked, as the office manager of Peer Steinbrück, then Minister of Economics in Schleswig-Holstein, as a branch manager of an HR consultancy and as a human resources manager/project financier for LB Kiel...

Typical topics of my clients are
- Leadership in the Project System
- Leading in change and dynamics
- Sailing on sight under increasing uncertainty and complexity
- Equal-ranking leadership teams: leadership distributed over several shoulders
- Whoever does not make politics, is made politics with: micro-politics, power and resistance
- robust management of team and group dynamics
- Stakeholder and environment management
- Managing a complex project
- Lateral and agile leadership

top focus

  • Agile Transformation
  • Change-Management
  • leadership consulting
  • project management
  • top management consultancy


  • promotion / change of job
  • Change-Management
  • leadership consulting
  • Digitale Transformation
  • Personality & Potential
  • merger / acquisition
  • career counseling
  • conflict / crisis management
  • project management
  • social competence improvement
  • team development
  • top management consultancy

communication types

  • presence
  • by phone / over the phone
  • video
  • chat

professional experience

I have been working as an organisational consultant and business coach for over 20 years. First as the Hamburg branch manager of Strametz & Partner, an HR management consultancy, then as a partner of HRD- Hamburg: organisational consulting, coaching and training and now for many years as the owner of Hinz.wirkt!
Prior to my consulting and coaching activities, I worked as the office manager of Peer Steinbrück, then Minister of Economics in Schleswig-Holstein, and as the HR manager/project financier of LB Kiel, to name just a few.

leadership experience

Head of the Minister's Office of Peer Steinbrück
Hamburg Branch Manager of Strametz & Partner
HR Manager
Numerous project management positions (5- 60 employees) in organisational projects, public private partnership projects and plant construction (in duo with technical project management)


The core of good consulting is the understanding that
no consultant knows enough about the context to give
specific advice.
A good consultant can address specific things. What he
says is always wrong in some way. But it should be at least so
wrong that it makes a manager to think again about what he is actually doing.
James G. March



The focus of my mandates, which I also carry out in German, are in the areas of
, are in the areas of
- Leading in dynamic/ uncertain environments- micropolitics, power and resistance
- robust handling of team and group dynamics
- leading a complex change processes
- micropolitics, power and resistance
- robust handling of team and group dynamics
- leading ia complex changes processes
- gaining role clarity and sharpening leadership style
- Leading challenging projects and programs

Coaching represents about 30-50% of my total projects.
I want to maintain this, because I am just as good and happy doing
organizational consulting and leadership team development - and my
coaching clients benefit from it very much.

target audience

- Executives
- management teams
- Project managers and their teams
- Change agents and agile coaches


Four principles characterise my work:

"Who acts, acts".
The aim of the joint work is to expand the the client's competence to act. This includes both the the observation and description of concerns/situations situations as well as the derivation and evaluation of alternative courses of action. The method of counselling, coaching or training is of course always "help for self-help", but in those cases where I have expert knowledge at my disposal knowledge is available to me, I will of course actively as my proposed solution.

"Structure comes before psyche"
An important point in coaching and personal counselling is the work on (behavioural) alternatives in the client's context of the client's work. Nevertheless, we first look at the the context, the organisation and the structure in which the client formulates his or her concern.
When the effects of this "structure" on the client are known, we work on the "psychological level". Thus I ensure, among other things,
- that counselling, coaching and training always support in the area of professional performance and
- the effect of (organisational) structures on individual behaviour is present.

"Management is (not) a role play".
Anyone who takes on a function in an organisation, i.e. professional role, comes up against the contradiction between his or her personal standards and the the demands of the function.
Coaching is a good place to examine one's own attitude in issues such as
- How authentic can I be in my professional role?
- Which behavioural patterns that have been successful so far do I want to abandon?
- What is "typical" for me and how will the world around me understand this?

"If you don't do politics, politics will be done to you".
In the area of leadership or project management, it is not just about to select and to implement the right alternative in a binding manner, but also to structure the accompanying communication. Micropolitics is therefore addressed by me and, together with the client also translated into concrete steps.

The active involvement of "stakeholders" is therefore always the subject of my work with organisations, teams and organisations.


For each coaching session we agree on an individual
coaching contract that describes the process. This usually follows
this "basic pattern":

Orientation meeting between the client and the Client
- Getting to know the client and his or her interests and knowledge.
- Obtain detailed information about the current problem and the objectives
- Clarify "rules" of cooperation and distribution of roles

- Written situation assessment by the coach & clarification for both sides whether a cooperation makes sense and is desired.
- Conclude the coaching contract

Coaching sessions
- in private or directly in/on the work process (e.g. team meetings)
- Define sub-goals
- Reflect on processes; analyse opportunities & risks
- Develop and try out solutions/ alternatives
- Plan medium-term actions/ transfer of learning

areas of application

  • Individual coaching
  • Groups and team coaching
  • Project coaching
  • Conflict coaching
  • Strategy coaching
  • Business coaching

client positions

  • Management Board
  • Head of Department
  • Team Management / Group Management
  • Project Leadership
  • Management Trainee
  • Self-employment / Freelancer
  • High Potentials
  • Private Individual


  • Online
  • Germany Austria Switzerland

experience with client company sizes

  • 5-10 employee
  • 11-20 employee
  • 21-50 employee
  • 51-100 employees
  • 101-200 employee
  • 201-500 employee
  • 501-1000 employee
  • 1001-2000 employee
  • 2001-5001 employee
  • 5001-10000 employee
  • >10000 employee

own coaching rooms




  • Service
  • Trade
  • Industry
  • Conglomerates
  • Resources and Producers
  • Non Profit Organizations
  • Administration / Public Sector / Authorities
  • Further education
  • Automotive Supply
  • Bank / Finance and Accounting
  • Construction Industry / Supply Industry
  • Chemistry
  • Consulting
  • E-commerce
  • Energy supply
  • Research / University / Science
  • Hightech
  • IT / EDP
  • Consumer product / Food / Luxury food
  • Consumer product (non-food)
  • Aviation supply
  • Mechanical engineering
  • Media / Internet
  • Telecommunications / Post
  • Tourism / Travel
  • Traffic / Transport / Logistics
  • Sales department
  • Insurance
  • Real Estate
  • Internet portal / Online stores
  • Marketing / Advertisment
  • Metal / Steel
  • Fashion / Accessoires / Watches
  • Furniture / Textile / Interior design
  • Personnel / Administration
  • Lawyers


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Der Lotsenblog

Beobachtungen eines Hamburger Lotsens für Organisationen, Führungskräfte und Projektleiter


and the results of my regular coaching evaluation by Humboldt University Berlin can be found on my homepage at https://www.hinz-wirkt.de/kunden.


Unsere Lotsendienste

Produkte & Dienstleistungen

Coaching Evaluation 2022

Evaluation für den Coach Olaf Hinz

Coaching in Change Prozessen


Führung unter Unsicherheit


Coaching im Projekt


Projektmanagmenz jenseits der Planwirtschaft


Kollegiale Praxisberatung


Management des Ungewissen


Feel free to contact me!

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