Schultes & Partner GmbH
Salztorgasse 5/15
1010 Wien
My coaching approach is systemic-constructive and is accompanied by a knowledge system, which deals with specific questions with the personal life dimensions such as individual, system and "the whole" and the personal purpose of existence in relation to the professional work.
My offer is aimed at people and companies who see themselves as shapers of their success and who want to gain more knowledge for themselves and their company through regular reflection.
Business people
Methods such as questions and suggestions for reflection according to Dilts, Frankl, Satir and many others can be found in coaching.
After personal telephone contact, either a first coaching is scheduled for a period of 1.5 hours or, if the extent of the topic and the objective of the matter can be assessed on the phone, it can be done during more intensive coaching of 2 hours in order to go into depth and to reflect on a topic in depth.
150,00 Euro