ESBC – European Systemic Business Competences GmbH
Frankgasse 1 Top 3
1090 Wien
Born in 1964, grew up in Vienna and Upper Austria, speaks German and English as well as sign language, went on to pursue an apprenticeship after primary school and left management after an international career in 2001. Since then, he has accompanied people in a professional context with the core topics of communication, relationship and conflict. Today he lives in Berndorf (Lower Austria), is managing director of the ESBC, multiple lecturer, human companion, trainer and coach, works in Austria and Europe.
More than 12 years in various management positions with managerial responsibility, since 2002 as a coach at all levels (from worker to the board).
Systemic-constructive coaching according to the Kieler consultancy model with the addition of the systemic-analytical approach of the ESBA model
An hourly principle with clear target and order development and planned results for this hour. Brief presentation of relevant information on the concerns and requests of systemic networks. Contribution of solution-oriented interventions, questioning techniques, system board, constellation work, methapers, meta-dialogue and others systemic methods.
€ 250, - plus VAT.
communications technology
Master of Science (academic coach) at the European Training Academy, the high school of conflict resolution at the Davy Institute, systemic structure (SySt), strategic business management, systemic family therapy, systemic-constructive coaching training, mental training, healing hands, autogenic training, Qui Gong