Cornelia Decker

Cornelia Decker

My particular passion has always been change, growth, development and people in their individuality. In my almost two decades in the corporate context, I loved to build, shape and lead new themes, teams, areas to success. I led teams and divisions through ups and downs, in matrix organisations and through reorganisations and mergers. In doing so, it was always important to me to take each individual with me and to support them in ...

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coached by training provider
KompetenzZentrum Coaching
communication types
presence, by phone / over the phone, video
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CDC Cornelia Decker Coaching
Manzostr. 15
80997 München

Cornelia Decker


self description

My particular passion has always been change, growth, development and people in their individuality. In my almost two decades in the corporate context, I loved to build, shape and lead new themes, teams, areas to success. I led teams and divisions through ups and downs, in matrix organisations and through reorganisations and mergers. In doing so, it was always important to me to take each individual with me and to support them in their individuality. Life consists of change and I like very much to contribute to further development and to constantly develop myself.

Since 2018, I have been using these experiences and competences together with my two coaching trainings as a systemic business coach and a mental coach with a lot of passion and heart and soul for the growth, strengthening and further development of companies, their managers and employees as well as for private people.

Intuition, empathy, professionalism and result-orientation distinguish me as a coach. Appreciation, trust and openness are the basis of my collaboration with my clients.

I am convinced that authenticity and the ability to manage oneself at any time are the basis for performance and success as well as for satisfaction and health.
The topics of identity, self-management and stress management are therefore at the core of my work with executives, professionals and private individuals. In addition, the focus is on (healthy) leadership and communication, personal development and change. Finally, I am a sparring partner for leaders to build and develop teams as well as to resolve conflicts and challenges within the team so that the full performance potential of the individual as well as the entire team can unfold.
In addition to individual coaching, I also offer lectures, team coaching and training.

My special focus is on all those who are in their rush hour of life, the time of life with the most challenges and demands from all sides.

I look forward to accompanying you on your own individual path to equip and strengthen you (and your employees) for your personal challenges.

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top focus

  • Change-Management
  • leadership consulting
  • personal management / time management
  • social competence improvement
  • stress management


  • promotion / change of job
  • Change-Management
  • career counseling
  • conflict / crisis management
  • motivational improvement
  • outplacement
  • rhetoric and apperance
  • team development
  • work-life balance

communication types

  • presence
  • by phone / over the phone
  • video

professional experience

- Development and disciplinary management of teams and departments
- Experience in various positions and functions in marketing from medium-sized companies to major global corporations with mergers, reorganisations, job cuts, IPOs and other change processes in companies
- Leadership development of executives and middle management in corporate groups (focus on feedback, appraisal interviews, performance management, coaching)
- Independent coaching and training activities since 2018 with coachees from companies such as Google, BMW, Audi, Microsoft, BSH, Telefónica, Harman International, HypoVereinsbank, but also SMEs and self-employed persons.

leadership experience

Head of Marketing B2B bei Telefónica
Head of Digital bei Telefónica
Leiterin Marketing Digital Partnerships, Telefónica


- I am convinced that authenticity and the ability to manage oneself at any time are the basis for performance and success as well as for satisfaction and health. These issues are therefore at the core of my work.

- I look at people in their entirety to get the best results for you. I take into account, among other things:
* Mental and physical connections (because they cannot be separated from each other),
* all areas of life (as they always influence each other),
* as well as the systems relevant to the issue, such as family, friends, team, department or the company.

- Being a rational person myself, I only use methods that can be explained logically. I distance myself from esotericism.

- I see myself as a partner at eye level who supports you with the help of professional methods to find the solutions for your challenges / issues within yourself and to implement them sustainably and practicably in your everyday life.

- Trust, appreciation and empathy paired with acceptable confrontation are for me the basis for successful coaching.

- With structure, goal and result orientation, I ensure the quality of our coaching process. You can concentrate entirely on yourself.

- Quality is important to me. That is why I am certified as a coach by the DCV and why I am always training and developing myself.



- Leadership - authentic, effective, relaxed
* Accompaniment in the development to become a leader and on next career steps
* Leadership identity, style and personality development
* Communication, conflict and change management
* Healthy leadership
* Building, developing and leading teams, solving team challenges

Identity, personality development, change
* Recognising and exploiting identity
* Personal goals and development
* Life model, work-life balance
* Professional reorientation
* Dealing with challenges, changes, crises, conflicts and decisions

Self-management, stress management & burnout prevention
* Self-management / mental strength
* Individual stress management strategies
* Stress and relaxation education
* Burnout prevention, education and support
* Relaxation techniques such as autogenic training, progressive muscle relaxation, music relaxation

target audience

Men and women in their rush hour of life.
Focus on leaders or in other positions of responsibility or anyone who wants to develop, (re)find themselves and equip and strengthen themselves for their challenges, goals and their own personal path.
Companies that want to develop the leadership strength and competence of their managers as well as the resilience of their employees.


At the core, I use methods from the systemic repertoire of methods enriched with methods from mental coaching, always professional, tried and tested and highly efficient.
Specifically, you will encounter many solution-oriented questions, perhaps sometimes peppered with provocative elements, work with your inner team, various constellation formats or even work in a trance. We visualise what you have worked out, e.g. with the help of metacards, and record it in such a way that you always have your most important insights at hand, even after the coaching.


1st initial contact (usually by telephone), free of charge.
Here we get to know each other briefly and clarify whether your topic fits my offer and competences as well as all general conditions.
2nd order clarification meeting (free of charge)
Here we delve deeper into your topic, its effects, possible causes etc. and define the coaching goal, as well as the scope and content of the coaching, if you decide so at the end of the meeting.
3rd coaching session
Now we start our joint coaching work based on the defined goal. The number of sessions depends on the topic and the goal and can vary from a single session for a decision-making process, to a classic coaching process of 3-6 sessions, to longer coaching.
With me, you will be given smaller homework assignments to either prepare the following sessions or / and successfully transfer what has been worked out into everyday life
4. conclusion
In the last session, we will draw up a résumé together.
5. transfer session
I recommend a transfer session after 3-6 months in order to be able to integrate what has been worked on into everyday life in a sustainable way.

areas of application

  • Individual coaching
  • Groups and team coaching
  • Business coaching
  • Life coaching
  • Career Coaching
  • Communication Coaching

client positions

  • Management Board
  • Head of Department
  • Team Management / Group Management
  • Project Leadership
  • Management Trainee
  • Self-employment / Freelancer
  • High Potentials
  • Private Individual
  • Employees


  • Online
  • Germany Austria Switzerland

own coaching rooms



psychological education / studies

M.A. in communication sciences, psychology and economics --> market and advertising psychology and market and opinion research as focal points

further education & training

Certified Coach (DCV)
Systemic Business Coach, Coaching Competence Centre
Mental Coach, Dr. Ehrhardt Academy for Mental Fitness
Leadership and change management programmes including Professional Management Programme (Munich Leadership Group), "Leading Change" (Telefónica Universitas, Barcelona).


My coachees work for companies such as Google, BMW, Audi, Microsoft, BSH, Telefónica, Harman International, HypoVereinsbank, but also for medium-sized companies or as self-employed.
If you are interested, I can put you in touch with individual coachees.


Ein coachingorientiertes Kommunikationstraining für echte Umsetzungskraft im Alltag.

Wirksam kommunzieren - dafür benötigt es zwei Dinge: Zum einen das Wissen darüber, WIE es geht, und zum anderen die Fähigkeit, persönliche mentale Hürden zu überwinden. Beides wird in dem kurzweiligen Kommunikations-Training mit effektvollen Übungen zusam

Persönliche Stresssituationen endlich gelassen und selbstbestimmt im Griff

Ein coaching-orientiertes, lebensveränderndes (Online-)Training mit Fokus auf individuelle Lösungen + persönliches Coaching. 4 zweistündige Termine per Zoom + individuelle Termine für Einzelcoachings.


Werdegang und Leistungsschwerpunkte im Überblick

Burnout - Symptome, Verlauf, Ursachen

Was Burnout wirklich ist und was nicht.

Selbstmanagement unter Stress und Herausforderungen

Vortrag / Workshop: Perspektivwechsel auf das Thema Stress: Mitarbeitende aus dem Gefühl des Ausgeliefertseins holen und zur aktiven Steuerfrau / -mann ihres eigenen Stresses und Wohlbefindens machen - für mehr Resilienz des Einzelnen und der gesamten Org

Feel free to contact me!

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