Dr. Christine Zach

Dr. Christine Zach

With the Ego Echo method, you can quickly find relevant information about the triangle of forces "role - context - effect" and thus find the right basis for your decision. Practical and result-oriented.

Benefit from my many years of leadership and management experience, including economic responsibility as managing director of a future workshop, as well as a moderator, lecturer and organizer of large events. After more than 20 years ...

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Konas Consulting Unternehmensberatung GmbH
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Dr. Zach Consulting e.U.
Piaristengasse 5-7/3/36
1080 Wien

+43 1 407 21 70
+43 664 246 9339


self description

With the Ego Echo method, you can quickly find relevant information about the triangle of forces "role - context - effect" and thus find the right basis for your decision. Practical and result-oriented.

Benefit from my many years of leadership and management experience, including economic responsibility as managing director of a future workshop, as well as a moderator, lecturer and organizer of large events. After more than 20 years of development, reconciliation of interests and agenda setting, I founded my own management consultancy in 2012 and also strengthen the management team of Willy Elmayer-Vestenbrugg GmbH in the areas of event organization, team development and stakeholder relations.

Specialty: Business Behavior


  • promotion / change of job
  • Change-Management
  • leadership consulting
  • intercultural coaching
  • career counseling
  • conflict / crisis management
  • succession plan / company succession
  • project management
  • rhetoric and apperance
  • personal management / time management
  • social competence improvement
  • top management consultancy
  • work-life balance

communication types

  • presence

professional experience

More than 25 years of professional experience in a predominantly leading position, including 14 years as managing director of the Öamtc Academy, future workshop for sustainable mobility. Innovation and event management in the fields of medicine / health, culture and mobility. Decision-making responsibility in a wide range of company areas (general management, financial management, public relations and human resources).
Since 2011 member of the management team of Willy Elmayer Vestenbrugg GmbH, a renowned Viennese company in the service and seminar sector.
Management consultant since 2012.
Long-standing practice "manager as coach".
Accompanying interdisciplinary research teams in cooperation projects.
Individual coaching of managers and entrepreneurs.


Systemic-constructive; solution and future-oriented; resource efficient.
Language as an expression of thought.



Business coaching:
Individual coaching of entrepreneurs, managers and employees.
- Orientation for change projects and strategic changes in companies
- Crisis and conflict management
- Manager as a coach
- Onboarding: familiarization phase

Team and project coaching

Solution-oriented coaching of people in decision-making situations
- Self management and stress reduction
- Professional reorientation as well as career and future planning
-Work-life balance

Systemic advice:
Accompaniment and moderation of Strategy processes
-Communication projects: stakeholder relations and positioning
-intercultural teams to support project management

Keynote speeches, workshops and seminars

Business Behavior: Position Analysis in the Triangle of Forces "Role - Context - Effect"

Gender and diversity issues are integrated

target audience

- Managers of all hierarchical levels
- Entrepreneurs and the self-employed
- women in particular
- High potentials and scientists
- Media and PR industry
- artists and cultural workers
- Companies and organizations with a focus on technology / sustainable mobility / energy / environment / resources / CSR


Context analysis; Role definition; Conversation techniques (eg active listening); Questioning techniques (eg circular questions); Intercultural approach; Understanding of gender; Self reflection; Target work; Change of perspective; System visualizations (eg system board; pictures); Metaphors, comparisons, analogies; Provocation, exaggeration, humor; Questionnaire; Homework. Metadialog.
The method selection is based on the respective learning structure of the customer, if necessary I also offer "Coaching in Motion", for example during a walk or in an inspiring place, for example in a museum. The “Ego Echo” intervention tool is based on mirroring, changing positions and hierarchy of values and is used in the position analysis in the triangle of forces of “role - context - effect”.


Customers receive a brief information about the solution-oriented coaching approach and the necessary framework. After a free introductory interview, a specific setting is agreed upon. Both individual sessions (between 60 and 120 minutes) and medium-term accompaniment are possible, max. 10 appointments, end after target achievement.
- Clarification of orders and objectives. Establishment of a workable, temporary coaching partnership.
- In the process work, I orientate myself at the client's pace and use methodologically diverse interventions that deepen the perception of alternative perspectives and actions. The focus is on supporting the client in his search for his personal skills and options. Jointly developed approaches and strategies remain goal-oriented and are tested in practice. This results in reflections and updates adapted to the situation.
- Evaluation according to the agreed target framework. Securing results. Adoption or agreement of a follow up.
During the process work, telephone or email contact can be arranged if necessary.

areas of application

  • Individual coaching
  • Groups and team coaching
  • Project coaching
  • Conflict coaching
  • Intercultural coaching

client positions

  • Management Board
  • Head of Department
  • Team Management / Group Management
  • Project Leadership
  • Management Trainee
  • Self-employment / Freelancer
  • High Potentials

experience with client company sizes

  • 1-4 employee
  • 5-10 employee
  • 11-20 employee
  • 21-50 employee
  • 51-100 employees
  • 101-200 employee
  • 201-500 employee
  • 501-1000 employee
  • 1001-2000 employee
  • 2001-5001 employee
  • 5001-10000 employee
  • >10000 employee

own coaching rooms


hourly fee (additional info)

by agreement, depending on the overall order,
Individual lessons from € 180 plus VAT.


professional education & training

2004 coaching certificate. Diploma course in Systemic Business Coach, Konas Consulting Institute, Vienna
2000 trainer certificate. Systemic management training course, TRAIN workshop, Vienna
1990/91 basic courses I and II for science journalism at the Lower Austrian State Academy, Krems
1989 Public Relations course at bfi, Vienna
1980/81, 1982 Course in cultural management at the University of Music, Vienna


1987 Doctorate in Dr.phil. in German and Romance Philology at the University of Vienna. Dissertation on comparative motifs in the Middle High German and Old French Artus epic (publication 1990, in the Rothe publishing house, Passau)

further education & training

Gender mainstreaming and diversity management (2011)
Systemic group dynamics, Duttweiler Institute, BGN
Practice program coaching in change processes (Dr. Barbara Heitger, Marlies Lenglachner)
Project management
Fundraising, FVA
Media and interview training, e.g. ORF
Participation in multi-year internal management programs (2005-2008)
Accounting, cost accounting


  • Service
  • Trade
  • Industry
  • Craft
  • Health and Social Affairs
  • Non Profit Organizations
  • Administration / Public Sector / Authorities
  • Culture
  • Automotive Supply
  • Bank / Finance and Accounting
  • Energy supply
  • Research / University / Science
  • Hightech
  • Media / Internet
  • Tourism / Travel
  • Traffic / Transport / Logistics

Feel free to contact me!

+43 1 407 21 70
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