Andrea Schäfer

Andrea Schäfer

Based on my expertise and comprehensive experience with change processes and development, I coach executives, teams and organizations to actively shape their future. I am dedicated to trust, partnership at eye-level and a strong orientation towards practical applicability.

Key aspects of my activities are coaching for executives and management teams as well as consulting and training on leadership and organizational development.

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year of birth
Coaching since
Completion year of coaching training
coached by training provider
ISCO / Gabriele Müller
communication types
presence, by phone / over the phone, video, chat
native language(s)
coaching languages

andrea schäfer
coaching | beratung
Osannstraße 37
64285 Darmstadt

Andrea Schäfer


self description

Based on my expertise and comprehensive experience with change processes and development, I coach executives, teams and organizations to actively shape their future. I am dedicated to trust, partnership at eye-level and a strong orientation towards practical applicability.

Key aspects of my activities are coaching for executives and management teams as well as consulting and training on leadership and organizational development.

top focus

  • leadership consulting
  • career counseling
  • conflict / crisis management
  • personal management / time management
  • team development


  • promotion / change of job
  • Change-Management
  • leadership consulting
  • merger / acquisition
  • career counseling
  • conflict / crisis management
  • outplacement
  • personal management / time management
  • team development

communication types

  • presence
  • by phone / over the phone
  • video
  • chat

professional experience

11/2008 – today: Independent consultant with a focus on coaching for executives and management teams as well as consulting and training on leadership and organizational development; project cooperation with Heitger Consulting, Shape Leadership, step pro, Leadership Choices; Lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences in Darmstadt

1996 – 2008: Various positions in international operative and strategic human resources management, for Wella AG and Merck KGaA, most recently as Head of Corporate Leadership Tools & Programs, design and implementation of numerous change initiatives as part of the takeover process Procter & Gamble/Wella and Merck/Serono

leadership experience

Various positions in international operative and strategic human resources management, for Wella AG and Merck KGaA, most recently as Head of Corporate Leadership Tools & Programs, design and implementation of numerous change initiatives as part of the takeover process Procter & Gamble/Wella and Merck/Serono


“We cannot change the direction of the wind, but we can adjust our sails.” (Aristotle)
For me it is important to activate and expand the coachee’s own abilities, enabling him or her to integrate different perspectives, develop new and appropriate approaches, and then implement these in a self-responsible and sustainable way.



Complex challenges, new technologies and a dynamic business environment characterize our working life. Leading ourselves and others in a flexible, effective and respectful way is becoming increasingly important. I support individuals to master those challenges and develop their full potential – to their own as well as to their organization‘s benefit. Coaching challenges are:

How to manage successful leadership transition
How to master complex organizational change as an executive: coping with uncertainty and ambiguity, how to communicate effectively: conducting difficult conversations, giving presentations, facilitating workshops,
How to handle conflict in a solution-oriented way
Self-management: authenticity, reflecting purpose, beliefs, values, patterns and developing main actions, handling stressful situations
How to master professional re-orientation: assessing own competence profile, evaluating different options, creating suitable applications, preparing interviews, handling transition and on-boarding

target audience

Executives, Management Teams, High Potentials


Methods from systems theory, gestalt psychology, neuroscience and positive psychology


A first, explorative meeting allows us to find out what you need and whether we can work together. Once the decision to work together has been made, we will analyze your situation based on the previously agreed objectives. We will then identify options for actions or behavioral alternatives in a given situation and develop implementation strategies for your objectives.

Together we will monitor your realization practice, reflecting on your personal beliefs, values, patterns and any other challenges that may arise, that may either be conducive or obstructing your development.

Scope and duration of the coaching process is entirely contingent on your expectations and your objectives. The coaching can take place either face-to-face, by phone or virtually. The process ends with a final review.

areas of application

  • Individual coaching
  • Groups and team coaching
  • Project coaching
  • Conflict coaching
  • Business coaching

client positions

  • Management Board
  • Head of Department
  • Team Management / Group Management
  • Project Leadership
  • Management Trainee
  • Self-employment / Freelancer
  • High Potentials


  • Germany Austria Switzerland

experience with client company sizes

  • 11-20 employee
  • 101-200 employee
  • 2001-5001 employee
  • 5001-10000 employee
  • >10000 employee

own coaching rooms



professional education & training

Agile Business Development & Collaborative Leadership Concepts (Werkstatt für kollegiale Führung, Hamburg)
Facilitator Curriculum (Kommunikationslotsen, Köln)
Change Essentials (Heitger Consulting, Vienna), Systemic Organizational Consulting (Simon, Weber & Friends, Berlin)
Systemic Coaching (ISCO AG, Berlin)
additional therapeutic training based on Gestalt approach (Dr. F.-M. Staemmler, W. Bock, Würzburg)
accreditations: Insights Discovery®, LINC, Size Prozess® Personality Profile, MotivStrukturAnalyse MSA®, Voices® 360-KornFerry

psychological education / studies

Master Degree in Business Administration

further education & training

As a certified yoga-teacher (BDY/EYU) I may integrate body-awareness and mindfulness into my work as a coach, consultant and trainer if required.


  • Service
  • Industry
  • Automotive Supply
  • Bank / Finance and Accounting
  • Chemistry
  • Consulting
  • Consumer product (non-food)
  • Mechanical engineering
  • Lawyers


u.a. BASF, Commerzbank, DAW, ESA/ESOC, Fresenius Kabi, Lufthansa, Merck


For my own personal development I consider regular supervision and peer-intervision to be extremely important.

Feel free to contact me!

+49 6151 429554
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