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Systemic Coaching Training - artop Coaching Training in English!

Coaching is the core competency in modern jobs and organisations. Many roles such as Project Managers, People Leaders, HR Managers, Organisational Developers, Team Leaders etc. demand coaching competencies. In particular, this means creating sustainable and trustful relationships with others and conducting intense solution-oriented discussions where individuals experience helpful impulses for their challenges. Therefore, individuals, ...

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17. März 2025
20. März 2026
Umfang (in Stunden)
Umfang (in Tagen)
Umfang (in Monaten)
Beginn jederzeit
Preis (netto in €)
8400 €
Zertifiziert durch Verband

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Christburger Straße
10405 Berlin

Name des Veranstaltungsortes:
artop - Institut an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin



Coaching is the core competency in modern jobs and organisations. Many roles such as Project Managers, People Leaders, HR Managers, Organisational Developers, Team Leaders etc. demand coaching competencies. In particular, this means creating sustainable and trustful relationships with others and conducting intense solution-oriented discussions where individuals experience helpful impulses for their challenges. Therefore, individuals, teams, and organisations are in the focus of our Gestalt-systemic coaching approach.

The aim of the training is to develop the personal resources and skills of the individual participants in an application-oriented manner, in addition to the methodological know-how and basic competencies. The artop Coaching Training Program has existed since 2001 and is approved by DBVC, Germany`s leading coaching association. This program will be offered in English for the first time in 2021.

Overview of modules:

1. First Contact and Basics
2. Coaching in Process I
3. Personality diagnostics in Coaching (Online)
4. Coaching in Process II
5. Group Dynamics
6. Coaching in Process III (with real clients)
7. Leadership, Conflict and Organisation
8. Narrative Coaching
9. Team Coaching
10. Remote-Coaching (Online)
11. Final Colloquium

To be completed additionally in the training:

• Case supervision (two appointments of four hours each)
• Participation in peer group meetings between modules
• Hands-on coaching experience and logging of at least 30 hours
• Mentor coaching – at least five appointments of at least 60 minutes each (not included in the costs)
• Implementation of a real coaching session in the final colloquium.

Weitere Infos / Anmeldung bei

Please complete the application form at

For further information, please contact our Academy team:
Phone: +49 (0)30 44 012 99-55
E-mail: academy@artop.de

Leitung / Dozenten

Kathleen Grieger

Further trainers:

PD Dr Thomas Bachmann
Ragna Lienke
Jenny E. Jung
Carsten Tesch


The artop coaching programme is aimed at:

• Organisational and people development managers
• People from consulting professions(personnel and management consultants)
• Managers and professionally experienced career changers

Kosten-Info (z.B. Sonderkonditionen etc.)

8.900 € (for private persons)
10.900 € (for companies)

Umfang-Info (z.B. Module/Blöcke etc.)

• Ten training modules (distributed over 26 days and 184 training hours) over a period of approximately 12 months
• Case supervision (two appointments of four hours each)
• Participation in peer group meetings between modules
• Hands-on coaching experience and logging of at least 30 hours
• First interview: This takes place before the training contract is signed and is part of the admission process (1.5 hours)

Infos zum Beginn

Next Start: March 2025

Jetzt Kontakt aufnehmen!

+49 30 4401299-60
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